Wisconsin Carry, Inc relaunches 2ATuesday

Wisconsin Carry, Inc re-launches 2ATuesday.
After a legal victory against Markesan High School (see details here) Wisconsin Carry's initial strategy was to have high school students who were proud 2A supporters wear gun themed t-shirts to school on Tuesdays and post pictures to their social media with the hashtag #2ATuesday.
Article on initial 2ATuesday launch here
We must win the 'culture war' if we want to save the 2nd Amendment. Legislation doesn't protect the 2nd Amendment AND THE CONSTITUTION won't protect the right to keep and bear arms. Gun owners need to STOP BEING COMPLACENT believing the 2nd Amendment will ensure gun rights forever. It will not.
Like Ronald Reagan said: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction"
With the rampant anti-gun sentiment in public schools, from democrat politicians, and in the media/celebrity/entertainment complex, its clear 2nd Amendment freedoms are in peril if the next generation doesn't understand and support the right to keep and bear arms like the generations before them.
Legislation follows the cultural changes, it does not lead cultural changes. (just look at civil rights and gay rights legislation and case law for proof)
Legislators are not innovators. By their nature of seeking majority support at the ballot box from the public, they are popularity leeches that seize upon public sentiment shifts that have already become supported by a voting majority for political advancement. Stated differently. Politicians would never support something until they knew it was a majority opinion. You won't see legislation from politicians until AFTER the cultural shift has already occurred. Pro gun folks need to understand this reality in order to realize laws change, and even constitutional amendments get chipped away at by courts IF public sentiment turns against them.
IF we drive the cultural change to embrace the awesomeness of guns, self-defense, and the legacy of freedom brought about by armed ordinary citizens, we will have legislators falling over themselves to pass pro-gun legislation. The tactic of the post Sandy Hook era of 'playing defense' will eventually, slowly (or quickly) erode our remaining gun rights. Instead of having to beg, plead, and hope for really principled legislators to have the stones to face the fake-news anti-gun attacks, we must play offense.
How do we drive cultural change?
The initial strategy assumed young people and their adoption of social media would be the generation we need to target to foster the pro-gun sentiment, (with 2ATuesday). Its been clear, however, either their isn't enough pro-gun sentiment among young people or their parents are too afraid of them making waves in schools (lest their student should face a modicum of repercussion or retribution from teachers or school staff in the form of a bad grade or criticism for their choice of clothing) for 2ATuesday to go viral in that age group.
In spite of the belief among many that it is short sighted for parents to try to shield kids from the realities we face from the anti-freedom left in this country, it seems logical conditioning kids to follow the dictates of what has now been exposed as the radical indoctrination factories that are public schools is a mistake. That behavior may get them through high school without drawing the ire of their 'progressive' teachers, but it won't get them through life learning to hit their knees and hide their beliefs in the closet. Many feel kids would be much better off learning to stand up for freedom, in spite of possible short term backlash, in favor of the long-term essential nature of a free and constitutional society.
We've seen the anti-gun results of enabling public schools with our silence.
Nonetheless, 2ATueday did not catch on with the younger generation so its time for the "adults in the room" to drive freedom forward.
Wisconsin Carry calls on its members and pro-gun Wisconsinites to begin finding a way to participate in 2ATuesday.
Perhaps by wearing a pro-gun t-shirt to work. Maybe posting pro-gun images or making pro-gun statements/memes on social media with the hashtag #2Atuesday
Be free, be creative. Find a way to show your pro-gun support on 2ATuesdays.
For our part, Wisconsin Carry will be searching the hashtag #2Atuesday on various social media platforms (MeWe, Instagram, Parler, Gettr, Fascistbook, Twitter) and selecting the "patriot of the week" who will receive their choice of a WCI hat, t-shirt, or specialty apparel (polo, hoodie, etc)
Use the hashtags #2atuesday and @wisconsincarry so we can recognize your contributions!
Please share, and Carry On!
Nik Clark - Chairman/President
Wisconsin Carry, Inc.