Chairman's Blog

WCI funded lawsuit wins on appeal


Wisconsin Carry is pleased to announce that a lawsuit we funded on behalf of a member who's return of property (firearm) petition was unlawfully denied by Milwaukee Circuit Court, has been won an appeal in Wisconsin's District 1 Court of Appeals.

Details of the case can be read in local media reports:

Wisconsin Carry would like to express our appreciation to all of our dues paying members, who's financial support allows us to file these lawsuits and protect the constitutionally guaranteed rights of the people of Wisconsin.

Without our members support, the unconstitutional seizures of firearms by Milwaukee Police and deprivation of private property without just cause would go unchecked.

A copy of the appellate court decision is available at the following link: /Content/files/blogs/Court_of_Appeals_Opinion__Ols_v._Milwaukee_.pdf

If you are reading this message and you are a dues paying member of Wisconsin Carry, Inc. you should take personal pride in the role YOU play in preserving and advancing freedom in Wisconsin. On behalf of myself, and the Wisconsin Carry, Inc. Officers and Board of Directors THANK-YOU for what your support means to liberty.

Carry On