Wisconsin Carry, Inc. promotes #2ATuesday

In November of 2018 as part of a lawsuit funded by Wisconsin Carry, Inc. a Federal Judge granted a preliminary injunction against the Principal of Markesan High School forcing them to allow a student to wear clothing depicting non-violent non-threatening images of firearms.
Wisconsin Carry invites students across the state to express their 2nd Amendment pride by wearing clothing depicting non-violent, non-threatening images of firearms on them on Tuesdays and share images on social media with the hashtag #2ATuesday
Guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens are a cherished part of our nation's past and present. It's time to stop the public school's indoctrination against safe, lawful firearm ownership and use.
In the past 2 weeks, Wisconsin Carry has funded 2 additional lawsuits after public schools prohibited students from wearing t-shirts with non-violent, non-threatening images of firearms.
Last week Green Bay Public Schools issued a district-wide memorandum from the district's legal counsel advising school administrators that student clothing depicting non-violent non-threatening images of firearms is ALLOWED.