Wisconsin Carry, Inc funds federal lawsuit against high school principal

Over the past 50 years, the public school system has become an institution that systematically demonizes and discriminates against guns and the important role that guns play in our society.
Guns are not evil. Guns, in the hands of law-abiding citizens gained our nations independence from the tyranny of Great Britain. Our founding fathers realized the crucial importance of an armed citizenry in their inclusion of the 2nd Amendment in our Constitutions Bill of Rights. Guns provided protection and put food on the table for the pioneers as they settled our nation from east to west. In the hands of our nations young adults, guns delivered the world from despotism and ended genocide. To this day, guns continue to, hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions) of times a year, deliver citizens from the ravages of a criminal justice system that uses the streets as a jail and citizens as collateral damage in their failed policies.
In spite of this important, historic, and continuing role of guns in the land of the free, we see public schools indoctrinating children against guns. Conditioning them to believe that any and everything about guns is forbidden and evil. This not only cuts at the threads that hold our liberty together, it ignores history and fosters an environment where young people have an irrational fear of guns.
What began as "zero tolerance" policies for any kind of actual weapon in the name of "safety", turned into zero tolerance for anything that merely resembled or displayed an image of a firearm. When children are punished for chewing a pop-tart into the shape of a gun, and kids on the playground suspended for using their fingers in the shape of a gun during play, its cannot be denied that the goal of public schools was no longer "safety" but INDOCTRINATION.
If we want to have a robust, safe, and healthy pro-gun community of law-abiding citizens in the future (as our founding fathers intended) we cannot allow the next generations... in their young and impressionable ages to be brainwashed to hate and fear guns.
All the while, as we see any notion of lawful gun ownership demonized in the public schools, we see public schools facilitating anti-gun protests including the over-stated and hyper-promoted (by the anti-gun media) "school walkouts" from March. We at Wisconsin Carry believe a comprehensive education should include the obvious historical value of guns to our nations history and society, and an accurate representation of the value of guns to law-abiding citizens to this day. But if not that, at a minimum schools should be impartial to the gun debate.
For this reason, when we heard that the son of 2 members of Wisconsin Carry, Inc was harassed, and subsequently punished for wearing a pro-gun t-shirt with a positive message about guns to the Markesan, WI high school he attends, we felt compelled to act.
While this student had worn these t-shirts for many months, in the wake of the Florida school murders, the harassment increased to include a demand by the school principal that the student "Matthew" either wear his shirt inside-out, or be sent to solitary confinement called "the cubicle" for the duration of the school day any time he wore the t-shirt.
This past Monday, a lawsuit, funded by Wisconsin Carry, Inc. was filed in federal court seeking an injunction preventing the Markesan High School principal from denying Matthew his 1st amendment right to expression in the wearing of a pro-gun t-shirt.
As expected, this lawsuit has drawn local, state-wide, national, and international media coverage.
- http://www.wisn.com/article/wisconsin-student-sues-school-district-over-ban-on-his-gun-t-shirts/19739096
- https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/local/wisconsin/2018/04/11/wisconsin-high-schooler-sues-principal-who-banned-t-shirts-depicting-guns/503447002/
- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5607001/Freshman-sues-principal-banned-wearing-T-shirts-guns.html
This lawsuit is about far more than one student's right to wear a pro-gun t-shirt. Its about the fact that if we continue to allow public schools the unabated ability to condition kids that all guns are evil and there is no place for guns in a lawful free society... Eventually we will have no right to keep and bear arms.
Wisconsin Carry would like to express our sincere appreciation to our dues paying members. It is your support that allows us to use litigation so successfully to protect and advance the right to carry in Wisconsin.
Carry On,
Nik Clark
Chairman/President - Wisconsin Carry, Inc.