Handgun, bullets and a Wisconsin family hunting photo with deer over an American flag background

Free Concealed Carry Classes

WI's largest all volunteer pro-gun advocacy group Preserving & advancing your right to carry

Founded in 2009, Wisconsin Carry Inc. (WCI) believes the only person you can count on 100% of the time for your protection is yourself. You are the only one guaranteed to be there when you or your family's life or safety is threatened. *You* are your own bodyguard. Our mission is to protect and expand your gun rights so you can exercise the fundamental human right to protect yourself and your family. As an all-volunteer Wisconsin based independent not-for-profit organization our resources stay in-state and go directly to fund litigation, education, and grassroots activism.

Wisconsin man with pistol in hip holster displaying legal open carry rights in public

The people have the right to keep and bear arms for security, defense, hunting, recreation or any other lawful purpose.

- Article 1, Section 25 The Wisconsin State Constitution
Wisconsin State Capitol Building, where concealed carry legal battles are fought

A focus on action, not fundraising

Wisconsin Carry is unique. We take action first, and ask for financial support second. We do not spam your inbox and mailbox year-round with solicitations for donations. We do not "fearmonger-and-fundraise" hard working pro-gun folks using anti-gun proposals in Madison, that have zero chance of passage. Over 90% of our member dues go directly to fund precedent-setting litigation protecting and expanding your gun rights in Wisconsin. Throughout the year we report action taken to our members. We ask for financial support once a year to support that effort.

Lawyer defending gun rights in Wisconsin Second Amendment court case
Attorney in Wisconsin Second Amendment trial, arguing concealed carry law Lawyer defending gun rights in Wisconsin Second Amendment court case

Your Rights,
Our Priority,
Our Commitment Our 5 Pillars

  1. 01.
    Wisconsin Carry, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and reclaiming basic human rights critical to a free society.
  2. 02.
    Our organization believes in the founding principles of our country and our constitution: That all are created equal, that governments exist to protect the rights of individuals, and that governments derive their power from the consent of the governed.
  3. 03.
    The Second Amendment of our Federal constitution explicitly affirms one of the limitless numbers of rights we enjoy as Americans: The right to keep and bear arms.
  4. 04.
    We believe "Open-Carry" and "Conceal Carry" are choices to be made by law-abiding citizens based on what suits their needs best.
  5. 05.
    Our mission is to preserve, advance and expand these basic rights using an “all of the above” approach including methods such as: Education, Civil Litigation, Media/Public Relations Outreach and Grass-Roots Legislative Activism.

Join The Cause Become A Member Today!

Ready to protect your right to keep and bear arms? Join us and become a member to support our cause and safeguard your freedom. As an all-volunteer organization our goals are your goals. We seek victories, not extending the status quo.

Wisconsin woman with concealed carry firearm in holster

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